Keep Me Up To Date Plugin

Keep Me Up To Date is a plugin that all web bloggers should use. The search engines bots need fresh content! so Keep Me Up To Date will choose an old article, then publish it on front page as a current date post. All is done randomly and automatically.

Keep Me Up To Date Plugin : If you use dates as permalink structure so please don’t use our plugin.. it will break down your website!

What is Keep Me Up To Date Plugin?

This simple useful plugin choose randomly an old post and re-publish it on front page with current date.

Plugin Installation

1. Upload Keepmeuptodate to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Click KMUD to configure the plugin


Keep Me Up To Date create duplicate content on my website?

No. The original article keep the same, it just modify the publishing date !