What do you want to when you just start your business? The easy answer would be that you would want that business to get established really quickly so that you can start making higher and higher revenues in no time at all. Yet, is this a realistic goal? Instead of saying a flat no, we would like to say – it depends on the tools and the resources with which you decide to begin your business. This is where the ConvertKit alternatives come into the picture for your business goals to be met with ease. 

6 Cheap ConvertKit Alternatives for Beginners in 2021

Before we actually talk about the ConvertKit competitors, it would be worthwhile to understand what the new and growing business would need in order to make it big in its niche. Here are a list of things that you would have to remember so that you can align the same with the right tools and resources as well:

  • Contact Management: Every business has contacts and sometimes with small businesses, the biggest challenge can be to find and organize these contacts since one meets and finds prospects in a slightly random manner. Now, in order to capture this information in the right way, for the right function to be met later, you would need one of the ConvertKit alternatives to come to your rescue thanks to a framework that caters to such needs, especially for small and growing businesses. 
  • Understanding the Customer: Many small and growing businesses or beginners in this world tend to make the rookie mistake of simply talking about their business. Instead, one should focus on understanding the core customer and what their needs are. Unlike the pre digital times, this is quite an easy thing to do now. With the advent of big data, we have also been met with tools like the right alternative to ConvertKit that allows us to churn this big data into a bottom line which you can work on. As a consequence, you would be able to use this information to articulate your marketing campaigns in a way that portrays your products and services as the solution to these problems. 
  • Insights and more: What could be more helpful for a business than having the right insights at the right time? This would almost be the same as having a trustworthy mentor who would be steering you in the right direction on a constant basis. When you turn to a ConvertKit alternative you get exactly this and much more since you would be able to get insights and reports of your performance on a constant and regular basis so that you can understand what corrective, pre emptive and game changing actions you must take at the right time for your business success. 
  • Organization: This would be one of the foremost things that you would achieve when you get yourself a CRM or customer relationship management system. Not only will you manage to organize the information as per your own fields and functions for maximum leverage, but you will also be able to present a more organized front that will instantly make the customer regard you as an authority in your niche. This would be very helpful when you have to make an impression in the market so that your prospects would be more prone to award you with a conversion. When you are more organized, you also have teams that will work better with each other thanks to the organization of information, the notifications for each individual’s tasks and various other details. 
  • Automation: Any ConvertKit competitor will be able to help you get automated at a very low cost. You should be mindful of bringing in automation right from the start since this is where many entrepreneurs and business owners lose a battle with time. When you start a business, you may think that you will be able to do it all. But this cannot be more further from the truth. When you try to take every mundane, monotonous task into your own hands, either of the two things will happen – either you will end up missing out on your core functions to fuel conversions; or you will end up missing out on the monotonous functions like sending emails and more, which are just as important. 

More than anything, the beginner needs to learn balance, which is something that ConvertKit competitors can easily teach. Let us look at these ConvertKit alternatives to understand how, and to gauge which one is the best for your growing business and its growing needs:

EngageBay: This would be one of the foremost platforms out there when it comes to a wide range of functions, integrations and the absolute best prices as well. Think about it, you get to maintain a 1000 contacts with a free plan while the highest and fully loaded one comes at simple $49!

Nimble CRM: This CRM system basically offers you email marketing which makes it a rather ordinary ConvertKit alternative in the long run, since your growing business would have many other needs. 

Pipe Drive: Of all the alternatives to ConvertKit, this one has to be one of the most expensive as it does not offer half the features that you would find on a platform like EngageBay or any of the other ConvertKit competitors. 

Sales Flare: This is a new platform that offers a few features, but at a very heavy price, hence making it the wrong fit for beginners. 

Scoro: This platform would demand more integrations from outside since you cannot do them all on this platform which is also quite expensive. 

Getresponse: Getresponse is one of the oldest ConvertKit competitors and it has many features to contend with. But it is quite expensive. 

The final analysis shows that EngageBay would be one of the best alternatives to ConvertKit with a high range of features and affordability to boot too!

Originally posted 2021-03-05 22:55:55.